Happy Birthday with Triple H




Today was my daughter Heather’s 34th birthday. It’s strange to say that number. It only seems like yesterday that she was one year old and the famous German children’s photographer Hella Hammid captured images of my precious little baby. Now Heather has two babies of her own. Well one is a very darling five year old little girl named Harper and the other is a cute one year old baby named Hope. So I am thoroughly blessed three times with H’s!



I am lucky that I was able to be here to celebrate the occasion and get to soak in over two weeks of special memory making. Last year I was in London and of course it is hard to be apart at all let alone on special occasions. I wrote a blog post on my daughter’s birthday last year. Click here if you’d like to read it. It was early stages of this blog, but re-reading it, I have to say it was a cathartic and honest piece.  Life isn’t easy, let’s face it.  Yet it is so wonderful and I wouldn’t change a thing.  I just want to savor the good and learn from the bad. And for this day, I’m grateful to be Heather’s mom as well as Harper and Hope’s “Amma” (their nickname for me).


Because I am here with them in America, I don’t have access to all my photos. But Heather has the book of the Hella Hammid photos. These memories and the ones we are creating now are what make us humans so unique. Though Heather came from my body she is absolutely her own soul. And my granddaughters are totally different from one another. But we share the same blood and more importantly share LOVE. That is the one element that is timeless!


Triple H LOVE,