Guest Blogger Month III: Post #11

As I begin to introduce Guest Blogger Post #11,  I am also introducing a first on Yankee Doodle Paddy. For reasons you will understand once you read this LOVE story, the author asked to remain anonymous. It is a gut wrenching story and I need to say that in case there are any triggers or if you feel you have to be in the right space and place to read it. It isn’t graphic or anything, just that if you are like me, empathetic, you’ll want to reach through your screen and hug this person and comfort them. But here is the good news; by the grace of God and the writer’s angels (some of whom may even be reading this), there is a silver lining. And as I always say, our highest purpose often comes from our deepest pain. That is in fact how my purpose to spread LOVE was born. So thank you to the angels that helped this person! May we all be grateful to our angels, even if they are unaware of just what they did to help us! Our hearts know and are blessed because of it. And thank you to this guest blogger for trusting me with this sensitive and powerful piece….. Continue reading

The Story That Needs to Be Told

LOVE. It is my response to everything and if you’ve known me for even a minute you know that.  Some like to say that I am positive and happy and other lovely characteristics.  But that doesn’t mean that I don’t get sad, angry or at times even negative.  And I have every right to be given the things that have happened to me in my life.  But why I want to share this post with you today is no matter if you are happy or sad, positive or negative, your story is YOUR story.  If  you take anything away from what you are about to read is that YOU should be the one to tell your story.  Otherwise someone else will try to tell your story and it will never be as accurate or indeed powerful than if it comes from YOU! Continue reading

Jagged Little Pills

Well if you read my post from yesterday, I sure hope you didn’t place bets on the Oscar awards based on my picks. Yikes!  But nevertheless I am happy with my choice of films and stand by them.

Speaking of standing by, I have a post to share with you (below) that has been standing by in the DRAFT folder for months. It is a very personal story and I had considered not sharing it, or waiting for a better time, etc etc. But then I met a lovely lady through snapchat (my username is: blissbakery).  Her name is Sharon Leavy and she has a wonderful blog called “Behind Green Eyes“. She spoke on snapchat (her username is: sharonleavy) very candidly about the subject below.  It has inspired me to finally share my post with you. Thanks Sharon, you are proof of the positive affects of social media…sharing the love and being a support!  So glad to have met you!  Alright, here goes…. Continue reading