Kimberly Fleck is the owner of Brand Fearless, a social media business in New Britain, CT., that focuses on social media for social good. Finnegan is her fearLESS sidekick. She is originally from Cape Cod, MA. She holds a master’s degree in special education with 15 years teaching experience, and a bachelor’s of fine arts in art education, broad- based studies, with minors in history and women studies. She’s a social media strategist, creative content producer, storyteller, educator, digital photographer, animal advocate, wellness activist, artist, author, speaker, foodie and political junkie. Follow her on all her social channels at
#BeWell #DoGood #fearLESS

Thank you Kimberly for your awesomeness! You aren’t just a survivor, you are a thriver! And I am in love with Finnegan! What a gentle soul who loves unconditionally. The world has much to learn from this LOVE story and I am honored to have it grace the pages of Yankee Doodle Paddy. I also want to thank you for your support of this Month of LOVE series. I can see how you have left positive comments and retweets supporting your fellow guest bloggers and that is amazing!

Pure Fur LOVE,
P.S. Kimberly and I met through Snapchat and she hosts this really cool hashtag day called Just B Tuesday. It coincides with her brand motto #BeWell #DoGood #FearLess. Each Tuesday every person who submits a snap to her showing how one is being well, doing good or fearing less, they will be entered to win a prize at the end of the month! It is the first Tuesday of February so I am all over it and going to enter! Come join me! Kimberly’s snapchat username is @feral20