Welcome back to, you know it, my fav day of the week! Whoop whoop! Woman Crush Wednesday, where each week I choose a female chef and re-create one of her recipes live on Snapchat (username blissbakery). Not on Snapchat? No biggie. I will be sharing the recipe, photos, and information about my Woman Crush Wednesday recipient on this here blog. I call it a LOVE story. Because first of all I love LOVE! Secondly, because don’t think this #timesup is just about Hollywood gender disparity. Working in the culinary world I have seen it in this industry for far too long. That is why I created this special day back in September 2015 to honor and share the love for awesome female chefs kicking butt in the foodie world. And my 85th WCW is the phenomenal Suzanne Goin. Continue reading
Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday