Guest Blogger Month III: Post #6

If you are just joining us here on Yankee Doodle Paddy, you are very welcome! And if you are coming back on Day 6 of this third year of the Month of LOVE Guest Bloggers Series, so glad you are on board with our love train! Each and every story on here NEEDS to be told! These stories deserve to be shared and if you let them, they will inspire and transform your heart. Today’s special guest was a Guest Blogger last year as well. But Kim Fleck’s story continues to unfold as one of the most inspirational. So get your Kleenex ready for the gift of LOVE! Continue reading

Guest Blogger Month III: Post #2

One of my favorite things about this Guest Blogger Series, is learning how LOVE manifests itself in everyone’s lives. Since we are all so unique, it makes sense that our experiences would be as well. However, in reading the stories, I also like to find what elements I relate to and what the commonalities are. I am not surprised that today’s LOVE Story touches my heart because the amazing Amy is one of my favorite people in the world. We met through Snapchat and while Amy participates in my #tellthetruththursday and I join in on her #whatsgoodwednesday hashtag days, it is our own personal conversations that we cherish most. And when you read her story you will see why I think her positivity is infectious! Continue reading

Guest Blogger Month: Post #32

It would seem that Self LOVE is the most shared love story during this Guest Blogger Month series on Yankee Doodle Paddy. Yet each of the authors that chose to write about it has such a different way in which they impart the journey to their soul. Even as we read them, while surely inspired, anything gleaned will still be manifested through our own lenses in a different way. Because our personalities, experiences and essences are totally unique and beautiful. Hence self love is SELF LOVE, not “someone else” LOVE. The awesome Paul Broghall from Ireland found that out himself and bravely shares his love story with us.  Continue reading

Guest Blogger Month: Post #23

Last year about this time I shared a book on my Snapchat channel (username blissbakery) called “The Five Love Languages” and I highlighted one person from Snapchat that represented each of the five languages. For the “Quality Time” language I chose Maria Ryan. Because day in and day out Maria sits with the people of Snapland and checks in, asks how everyone is doing, has the chats and bants, and some great giggles about life. She is a constant, a pillar of truth, and a caring saint.

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Guest Blogger Month: Post #20

While I have put out the word each day that I am taking submissions for the Guest Blogger Month on the theme of LOVE, I wasn’t sure who would step forward and participate.  But I am delighted to see all the amazing folks sharing their love stories on Yankee Doodle Paddy.  And one person in particular I was hoping would contribuite is today’s author.  Jennifer Byrne from Ireland has an amazing story. It isn’t just an inspiration for women, moms, and over 40’s but it is a story for ANYONE who has felt repression of any kind.  Continue reading