While one of the happiest days of my life was our wedding, which was nine years ago today, it was only one day, a celebration.
A marriage is a commitment. The union of two become one, and please God that will be many, many days that will include celebrations. Some happy days yes, some not so much. But when you have your best friend and soul mate by your side, then you can weather all the storms.
I am so blessed to be married to my best friend and soul mate. It feels like it should be more than nine years as it seems like we were always made for each other. Like we have been married for eternity (I mean that in a good way LOL). We celebrate our anniversary in a different way this year. We are here in Kenya, Africa with our former parish St. Monica’s and the other pilgrims. We are happy to be reunited with our pastor who celebrated our marriage Monsignor Lloyd Torgerson.
And we are also able to be with Father Andrew Massawe, pastor of Holy Cross Parish in Dandora (St. Monica’s sister parish). Father Andrew was not only at our wedding but he also gave Hubby an anointing of the sick the night before his brain surgery operation. Just ten days after our wedding, Hubby had surgery to remove a tumor. Thanks be to God he recovered in record time and has been well every since. But we know how precious life is and are so very grateful!
We knew before the wedding about the surgery and it didn’t deter us from getting married at all. In fact, it spurred me on to finally stop giving Hubby the “stiff arm” as I have shared on here before. But this picture (below) from the wedding is one of my favorites as it sums up my emotion in one look. Into my soul mate’s eyes I looked and silently said, “I love you! It’s gonna be okay”. Indeed our faith got us through and our belief was rewarded with a miracle. They do happen my friends!
True Love,
P.S. You can be sure I will post a story on here about our African adventures. Until then I am documenting them on my Snapchat (username: blissbakery).