Wine and Wreaths. Yep, that is what I’m talking about today! If you’re like many folks during this “twixmas” (the time between Christmas and New Years) you’ve got some time on your hands and maybe you’ve even been doing a fair bit of imbibing. If your drink of choice is wine, that means you have plenty of wine corks left over. Unless you like box o wine. Then you can just skip along past this blog post.
I love arts and crafts. Especially when they are turned into handmade gifts. I even wrote a whole blog post about it last year. But I wouldn’t say I am the most crafty person there ever was. I usually prefer to give home baked gifts as I shared on here recently. Therefore if I can make this wreath, so can you! It is a fun way to use up those excess wine corks. And let’s face it, it might take a bit of guilt off you for not being as productive over the holidays. Seems everyone is complaining about being lazy and eating and drinking too much. Except me, cuz I know that the indulgence is temporary and deserved!
This wreath made of wine corks is such a great gift! You can decorate it however you like, ribbons or not. The best part is all you need is a foam wreath and a glue gun (with plenty of extra glue sticks) which you can get at your local art supply store. If the only wreaths they have on hand are white (as happened with me) then you can get some craft paper and tacky glue too! Oh and of course the most important ingredient, all the corks you’ve collected! If you don’t think you have enough, check your local wine shop or pub as they often have extras saved.
So “how to” you’re asking? Well I watched a couple of you tube videos but to be honest, I never quite finished them. Because the idea is so basic, most of the videos went on way too long. So I did what anybody with a glass of red wine in their hand would do, I winged it! LOL!

So there you are folks. A fun and simple way to re-use, recycle and repurpose your wine corks for an artsy activity during these last few days of the year.
In vino veritas amare,