One of my favorite things about being Irish and living in Ireland is the wit and clever use of language. I heard this phrase by an Irish person referring to the Irish as”last minute dot com” people. It has always stuck with me. In many ways this can be true. However, I have known many Irish that are particularly organized and early when it comes to Christmas gift shopping. If you’re not prepared however for the looming day, never fear. I have a few ideas for you. Continue reading
Recipe: Hot Diggity Dog Treats
With Christmas around the corner, it’s a good time to think about your furry friends too and what they might like in their stocking. And this recipe for healthy doggie treats is not only perfect, but super easy to make. Even if you don’t have a dog yourself, you could bake these for your friends or neighbors that have a pooch! Continue reading
Foodie Fieldtrip Friday: Food Tours Stockholm

While the name of this fantastic culinary expedition company in Stockholm is called Food Tours it was much more than that. Guided by the amazing Johanna our group of five eager participants learned all about the history of the Sodermalm area as well. Because it used to be an area where immigrants settled, the food scene is reflected in the myriad of tastes and flavors. In fact during our four hour tour we journeyed to several continents without ever leaving Sweden! Continue reading
Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday

I am so excited for today for several reasons. First off you know that Wednesday is my favorite day because it is Woman Crush Wednesday and one lovely chef will be getting the love. I am also excited since we are just back from Malta and I will be using some of the ingredients I got while we were there in today’s recipe. And lastly it is day 30 of my #30daysofgratitude Snapchallenge. So there will be lots of LOVE and appreciation in our midst.
For the Love of Books

As part of the #30daysofgratitude Snapchallenge, I shared my appreciation for books. I adore going to libraries and antique bookshops. I am a collector of all kinds of books. I love fiction, non-fiction, quote books, coffee table books, children’s books and of course cookery books. I posted a list of some of my fav fiction and non fiction books on Snapchat (my username is blissbakery). So I thought I would share that list here, with a few additions as well! Continue reading
Recipe: Apples, Apples, Apples

Because of travel and other commitments I haven’t done a Saturday Cookreel Snapchat take over in a few weeks. But I’ve been meaning to share this recipe with you from a takeover I did when I was in the U.S. recently visiting my daughter and her family. In fact, this recipe is actually from her blog In Her Chucks. Though the blog is dormant for the moment with her mommy and work duties, is is loaded with great recipes. Like this one for Apple Crisp. Continue reading
Sunday Spotlight Snap Sista Recap #2

During this #30daysofgratitude Snapchallenge, I thought it might be a good idea to do another recap of some of my Sunday Spotlight Snap Sista honorees. There have been 37 so far. I had planned to do another episode today. But Hubby and I are currently in Malta and the wifi is a bit spotty. Since each week I do a segment on my Snapchat (username blissbakery) that includes video and photo content, it appears it wouldn’t be possible for the snaps to load properly. So I’ll be back next Sunday with another installment.
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