May the 4th Be With You!

This year is like 4th of July 2.0.  What I mean by that is, it’s the second year we are in London for this special holiday. Since Americans abroad don’t get this holiday off work, celebrating can be unique. And especially this year, as I am taking Snapchat on a very unique adventure. If you’d like to join in my username is blissbakery.  It is a surprise so I won’t say much now. But I will leave you with last year’s post for the day that is in it. There is even a foodie recipe for you, since food is of the utmost importance in your festive fourth of July gathering. Continue reading

Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday

It is great to be back home after three weeks of traveling in America and Canada. I’ve missed doing my Woman Crush Wednesday cooking tutorials on Snapchat (username blissbakery) and sharing the love on here as well. Today is the 64th WCW recipient and this chef is an icon. One of the most influential people in the foodie world, in fact she even ignited an entire food revolution. Alice Waters is the chef and creator of the famous Chez Panisse in Berkley, California. I had the pleasure of eating at her restaurant which is famous for its locally grown and organic ingredients. Alice Waters is called the “Mother of American Food” for a reason and has championed the Edible Schoolyard Project  which is now in over 5,000 schools. Continue reading

Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday

While many of you dread Hump Day, I hope you find comfort in my Woman Crush Wednesday series. It is a nice upbeat day of girl power with yummy food. It is my favorite day of the week!!! A fabulous female foodie gets showered with love and we get to learn a fantastic new recipe. This week on WCW it is our 62nd lovely lady and this one hails from Down Under. Anneka Manning is one of the foremost experts on baking and her methods are tried and true! She could be Australia’s most famous export along side Vegemite! Continue reading

Recipe: Courgette Cakes

One of the best things about teaching cookery classes is seeing the students delighted with themselves when they have recreated a dish I have demoed.  Especially one that is a bit different than the norm.  Such is the case with these savory Courgette Cakes.  Or as my American friends might call them, Zucchini Fritters.  In essence they are a pancake.  However, not your typical Sunday brunch pancake which is a butter and syrup laden affair.  Continue reading

Recipe: Lovely Lanterns & Tasty Treats

This past Saturday was the official day of Chinese New Year.  Though we are living in London, which has one of the top Chinatowns in the world, we didn’t get there to celebrate.  It was a madhouse of crowds!  But I remember the days of celebrating it when I was teaching preschool at a multi cultural school in L.A. We ate Chinese food, did arts and crafts inspired by the rich culture and even had a dragon parade.  Since I was born in the year of the dragon I loved that tradition.  Continue reading

Recipe: Little Help Pho You Soup

Most people realize home cooked food is better for us then eating out.  We certainly know exactly what is in each dish we cook.  It can also be a massive financial savings.  However, for busy people the shopping and prepping of the food can put them off the benefits of eating at home.  So enter a new rising star…food boxes delivered to your door.  In America the popular one is Blue Apron, in the U.K it is Hello Fresh. All come with the necessary ingredients and easy to follow instruction recipe cards for your sit down restaurant quality dinner at home.  How does this fit into Soup Scentral week you ask? Continue reading