Guest Blogger Month III: Post #22

While today is day 22 of the Guest Blogger Month of LOVE series, and we only have another 6 days to go, I felt an urge to post a love story like no other. Because there is and only ever will be one Mikaela! Since she passed from this life on October 12, her husband Rob has kept her spirit alive by posting photos of Mikaela each day on his Facebook. Sometimes his commentary is longer than others, but it is really his selfless act of bringing joy to all of us by posting his #photobomb and #smile- a- day series of Mikaela. And wow does she have an amazing smile. So sit back, grab some tea and tissue and savor this patchwork of Facebook posts (along with my own reflections) of this angel on earth, now in heaven, Mikaela.

Rob’s Goodbye

The hardest thing I will ever have to write…

At around 10:45am this morning my darling, beautiful wife Mikaela Todd passed away peacefully, surrounded by her family.

We were being looked after at the Douglas Macmillan Hospice, who have our undying gratitude for the compassion and dignity that they showed us and the care that they gave to Mikaela in her final days.

I know that Mikaela has touched many people’s hearts and had an amazingly positive influence on all of our lives. She had a smile that would light up any room.

If I know her at all, she would be more concerned with how sad everyone else will be to lose her.

We have had three and a half wonderful years since Mikaela’s diagnosis, “borrowed” time that maybe shouldn’t have been ours, but we have enjoyed every second of it. The wedding, for those of you lucky enough to share it with us, will live on in the memory as one of the happiest, most joyful days any of us will ever have.

Mikaela’s fervent wish was that none of us refer to her “having lost her battle with cancer”. She never saw cancer as an enemy, rather as an illness to be dealt with as best we can. She dealt with it with huge dignity and courage, never complaining, and never giving in either.

All of Mikaela’s family and I would like to thank all of the friends who gave their love, time and support to our girl through the hard times and helped us to cope.

The world is a colder, darker place tonight without Mikaela in it. Xx


She’s a Smiler


Rob has posted everyday since Mikaela passed. First it was his Photo Bomb Series (yes Mikaela is an angel, but a cheeky one at times), and then it became the Smile a day series. Along the way he also participated in my #30daysofgratitude challenge. One day Rob posted this photo of Mikaela and I together.  It was when they had both come to London for a visit. My comment on his post:

This day was a dream come true for both of us! We finally got to meet in real life!! And have the best chats and hugs. We almost forgot to take a photo. But so glad we did. I feel so blessed to call Mikaela Todd my friend for life! Until we meet again LOVE will keep us all tethered! If these posts from the amazing Rob Nield are penetrating your heart, let them also transform you. Life is precious no matter how long or short. It is up to us to embrace it and love love love! Because it is the only thing that is truly eternal!


Our Stories


Mikaela wrote a LOVE story  for the Guest Blogger Series back in 2017. She was all about spreading the LOVE. That is her legacy. Take note people! Because when it’s our time and we get OUR chance to answer the final exam question, how would we respond to, “Did you LOVE?”.

Music was and is very important to Rob and Mikaela.  In particular a band very dear to them called The Icicle Works, have a song called “When it All Comes Down” that holds a very special meaning.  As Rob shared with me “Our lives and our memories are so bound up in music. A particular piece can instantly transport you to a very specific place and time and invoke other memories of taste, smell and sound.”  Here is the link if you’d like a listen.

The LOVE story of Mikaela and Rob hasn’t ended. It continues so long as he keeps her spirit alive. And it is a forever LOVE whereby only their physical relationship is on a temporary pause. But until we all meet again in eternity, we shall keep the LOVE alive of all our dear ones who have departed before us!  How?  We will use every means we can such as photos and music and of course, our LOVE stories!

Missing Mikaela with LOVE,


3 thoughts on “Guest Blogger Month III: Post #22

  1. Karen, thank you so much for your blog. A beautiful LOVE STORY indeed .
    I too am proud to have called Mikaela my friend. Rob is such a great guy, missing his
    Beautiful Mikaela, his daily smiley, cheeky photos are such a joy.
    I remember the day she met you. She messaged me and Lyndsay while Rob was taking you, was it to the station, to say what a joy it had been finally getting to meet you.
    This girl will always live on in our lives, she left such a beautiful imprint.

  2. I was so fortunate to be friends with Mikaela on the snap. She was such a beautiful soul and we had wonderful conversations. I am so grateful to have met her. Thank you, Rob, for sharing her beautiful smile and her story. xoxo

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