Without a doubt, soups are a communal meal. It became very clear to me on my first night at Ballymaloe Cookery School. It was the eve of the twelve weeks course and many of us had traveled far and wide to be at this oasis in the Irish countryside. It was a cold rainy January and diving into a bowl of Cream of Mushroom Soup while huddled up in one of the cottages on campus was a welcome treat. I mentioned it in my very first blog Karen in County Cork. Just re-reading that post makes me crave that soup as well as the company I had sitting around enjoying every spoonful. Continue reading
Author: Harper220
Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday
It’s the first Woman Crush Wednesday of 2017! Here we go! For anyone new, this is the day I shower some love on a female foodie! Not only through this post, but also on my Snapchat (username blissbakery) where I recreate one of her recipes live. It is always a recipe that I have never made before just to show how it all comes together. But from the looks of it, this is going to be an awesome one! Because today’s honoree is the awesome Katie Lee. Continue reading
Recipe: Soup Scentral
While today is indeed Tuesday, January 3rd, in many ways it is the official beginning of 2017. Most people are back to work, back to school and have their New Year’s Resolutions in full speed mode.
One of the biggest New Year’s resolutions has to do with food. Let’s face it, the holidays are all full of temptations and indulgence is standard operating procedure. But what if there are those of us that don’t want to go on a diet? As I have said before, I for one try to avoid things with the word DIE in it. So instead of DIET I like to LIVE it! Continue reading
Lasting Images
For New Year’s Eve last year I shared a post about the importance of Lasting Words. This year I wanted to share a post on lasting images. Because sometimes they are the things permanently etched into our mind’s eye. Continue reading
The Most Grateful Competition
As we near the end of 2016 there are a wide range of emotions flying around. Whether the discussions are at the dinner table or on social media, we hear relief that this year is ending, and hope for a better year ahead. Though some have had a banner year with loads of positives to celebrate, others have limped along and are barely standing at this juncture. However, if you are able to read this you are indeed better off than most. Because you still have a living breathing chance! Continue reading
Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday
Though today is Wednesday, my favorite day of the week, it feels more like a Monday. Here in the U.K. it’s the dreaded first day back to work after the Christmas holidays. But the minute I start my Woman Crush Wednesday cooking tutorial on Snapchat (username blissbakery) all that will change. I will bust out some singing (off key) and another fabulous recipe from a female foodie. And for the last WCW of 2016 I’ve got a winner! Continue reading
Sweden’s Smorgasbord of Life
The last couple of months Yankee Doodle Paddy has been blessed with travel. Though I have posted it on social media, I am finally getting around to sharing here on the blog. A little Tuesday Travel Treat for you! And the country I want to tell you about first is Sweden. While Hubby and I were in Stockholm once before for two nights back in 2009, I’ve always wanted to return. It is such a fascinating city! And since my Hubby is an American of Swedish ancestry it is fun to see him light up in his “motherland”! Recently he had to be there for work and I decided to tag along. And boy was I glad I did! Continue reading