Today I am going to do something a little different. Due to the fact that I have received more LOVE stories for this Guest Blogger Month than actual days in February, I will have to post a couple stories on a single day. This happened last year as well, seeing as I had 33 guest bloggers. However, for today, I wanted to incorporate two bloggers together in one for Post #24. Why? Well for several reasons. Both Katie and Adrian are bloggers themselves and have published these stories on their own blogs. As individuals, they are more alike than different, as they are both people of substance living a purpose driven life helping others. They defo get what LOVE in action means. And since my own blog is called Yankee Doodle Paddy, this post today embodies that. The amazing Katie is from my birth home, the good old USA! And the awesome Adrian is from my soul home, the emerald isle of Ireland! Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month II: Post #23
Sian is one strong lady, inside and out! I know this because she has participated in my #30daysofgratitude challenge two years in a row. She is honest, to the point and the hardest working person ever! She is the owner of Elite Pilates in Ireland and a total #girlboss. But strong as she is, she has had her share of knocks that would take the wind out of the best of us. What has kept her going? You guessed it, love! I’ll let the awesome Sian, Guest Blogger #23, give you some insight into why LOVE wins! Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month II: Post #22
I won a competition! I was so excited and also so surprised. But then again you can’t win a competition unless you enter, right? The competition was being run by a lovely lady I met through Snapchat. I still didn’t know much about her but I loved her username: thesassysurvivr. My prize arrived, yippee, but the best gift has been getting to know the amazing lady named Janelle. Wait until you read Guest Blogger #22’s LOVE story of not only surviving, but of thriving!
Guest Blogger Month II: Post #21
I knew when the lovely Nadina shared a snippet about her childhood during the #30daysofgratitude challenge that it would be amazing if she told her LOVE story during the Guest Blogger series. So I am delighted that she is participating! This busy mom of three from the USA is beautiful inside and out. So smiley and happy. Is it nature of nurture? Have a read of post #21 and you’ll see.
Guest Blogger Month II: Post #20
It is Day 20 of the Guest Blogger Month of LOVE and I hope you are enjoying these love stories as much as I am. Some of them have made me laugh, some have made me cry. That is when you really know something is about love, when you feel emotion. God given human emotions are a barometer. They take a temperature on life, on our soul, and today’s story is one of those that is felt deeply. Aoife Bermingham contacted me via Snapchat when I invited folks to submit love stories for this guest blogger series. When she shared what the subject of her love story would be, I was already in tears. It is such a touching tribute to the purest kind of LOVE.
Guest Blogger II: Post #19
Even if there is a mass exodus from Snapchat the past year or so due to the Instagram Stories option and now with the new Snapchat update wrecking people’s heads, nothing can compare to Snapchat’s ability to connect people. Relationships form in an organic and authentic way and often times you might even meet those friends in real life. Today’s Guest Blogger #19, the incredible Thomas Henry and I were meant to meet, along with his sister Leona. Unfortunately, it was during a time I was only over in Ireland for a short visit and she was unwell. So we said we would meet up next time I was over. I’ll let Thomas tell you the rest in his heart wrenching and beautifully touching LOVE story.
Guest Blogger Month II: Post #18
Bethany King, Guest Blogger #17, is an amazing friend of mine on Snapchat. She wanted to participate in the month of LOVE last year but they had a lot going on in their family with moving out of state. I was delighted she agreed to submit a story this year. She is a steady soul who always has thought provoking commentary on important issues and at the same time is the sweetest, smiliest and friendliest person you’d ever meet. So without further ado, it’s my honor to share her story….