Guest Blogger Month III: Post #28

Well, we are more than halfway through the Month of LOVE Guest Blogger Series and the stories we have read thus far have been emotionally moving and spiritually inspiring. And that is all because folks have been brave enough to share their inner most feelings about a topic that is more than red hearts and romance novels. LOVE is indeed beautiful, refreshing, exciting, and tender but it is also at times challenging and gut wrenching. Today’s Guest Blogger Post #16 is from a Snapchat friend called Wundersnapper! This story is RAW! It is also written in a unique style, almost stream of consciousness. It might not be for everyone to read as the author says, so you have been forewarned. But in spite of the loss and pain in this story, there is hope. And that hope lies in the most precious beings, Wundersnapper’s children.
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