Special Delivery From Stella

I received a little surprise from Stella. A card left on my pillow last night that contained a letter.  A typed letter from my Spirit Animal.  When I say from, well, I know it was typed by my husband.   I noticed him sitting with her the other day and he told me they were having a little talk.  But I had no idea she was dictating something to him.  I must say this is by far the nicest thing my husband has ever done for me.  I was laughing and crying simultaneously as I read it.  Today is Thursday, and normally I host the #tellthetruththursday episode on my Snapchat. But it is all I can do to get dressed and make myself food today.  I am shattered with grief and I know it is a lonely process.  But coming to the blog and pouring out my heart helps.  And today, I am clinging to this letter from Stella.  So I will leave it here for you in case you want to get her perspective on things….

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