Before I introduce today’s amazing Guest Blogger, I just want to take this time to thank you for your support. Not just for this Yankee Doodle Paddy blog but specifically for the Month of Love series, now in its third year (click here and here for links to the last two years). But most importantly I want to thank YOU for being a huge source of love and encouragement to these awesome people who have the courage to open up and share their hearts with all of us! Trust me, it is harder than it looks! My lovely friend Kelly, from my soul home of Ireland, is well acquainted with sharing her heart, cuz like me she wears her heart on her sleeve! But to be honest with you, that actually makes it more courageous to split open the soul to enlighten others.
“Tears and fears and feeling proud, to say I love you, right out loud”.
Those are the words myself and my husband have tattooed on our legs. To the outside world, it may seem cute and sweet, but for us, the reality was very different.
We got those tattoos when our world was falling apart. We were drowning in grief.

Sixteen years ago, this weekend, we had our first date. And both of us came with a lot of baggage. But something inside, an old fashioned sort of love, sparked between us.

And that flame burned hot. So hot, that in the end, it almost burnt us out completely. Somehow though, like a set of magnets, we are always pulled back together. We never gave up on each other.

And then, Ken’s son blessed us with the purest gift. The funniest little character! But this little boy, he started to glue the pieces of our hearts back together again.

Our hearts were shattered before he came along. Ken’s, from the deaths of his beloved parents and mine from being an infertile lady.

So, what does love mean to me?
Love is something I cannot put into words. Love is something I feel. I feel extremely blessed and grateful that love is all around me.

One of the many things I admire about Kelly is her honesty. In fact, we met through Snapchat and Kelly was a big supporter of my weekly hashtag day #tellthetruththursday . Kelly is very influential in the Irish social media community and even formed a group on Facebook that has been a huge boost to women, body positivity and healing. And I had the wonderful blessing of getting to meet Kelly in person last year in Dublin. It was as if we always knew each other and the time flew by too quickly. But I hope we meet again! Kelly is pure wisdom in a human body. She is always willing to share her wealth of knowledge and spirituality. A most beautiful and generous soul!

Thank you Kelly for sharing your LOVE story and keep enjoying the love of that sweet grand baby!
Surrounded with LOVE,
Thank you, Kelly, for sharing your love story. Perhaps I will get the chance to meet you when I am in Dublin in April.
Thank you for sharing your sweet love story, Kelly! ❤