Happy Father’s Day

Sharing my post from last year, well, because it felt apropos:

Father’s Day, like Mother’s Day and indeed Valentine’s Day (the made up card company holidays) are always received with mixed emotions.  Some people love them and embrace them. Others have gone so far as to share on their social media that they literally HATE them!  They say it is only a reminder that they don’t have a mom, dad or lover.  Or maybe they do have them but aren’t happy with the ones they got. Continue reading


Last year Hubby and I spent our anniversary in Kenya, Africa. I wrote several posts about why were were there. But of course the post on this date last year wasn’t so much about our time with the great people of Dandora but about us:  A married couple, best friends and soulmates forever more!  I titled it Two Become OneContinue reading

I heart Kyle Lane’s Upcycled Chair Workshop

I recently had the pleasure of attending the famous Upcycled Chair Workshop at Kyle Lane in Clonmel, Ireland.  From the moment I first met owner Joanne Condon it was like I was hugging a long lost friend. We met each other through Snapchat last year, so it was wonderful to finally meet in person. Spending my Sunday afternoon with Joanne and seven other eager participants was one of the most memorable experiences I will not soon forget! Continue reading

Dreaming of DC

It is no secret that I love to travel.  But what is a secret is that soon I will be going to my favorite city in the world, Washington DC!  I didn’t actually go for the first time until I was 26 years old.  This was 1990 and I remember that I fell in love instantly.  I was also a bit guilty I hadn’t gone sooner.  In fact I recall thinking that it was a place every American citizen should visit at least once in their lives.  Continue reading


Why. If you are a stickler on punctuation you’ll notice I didn’t put a question mark after my why. Why? Because I wasn’t asking a question until just that last why.  I was announcing what I want to talk about today, which is the topic why.  I feel like this word ‘why’ is a dying art form.  When we are kids we ask why all the time, and for some moms (not me) the word drives them up a wall.  But somehow kids have it right.  They want to get into the center of the golden circle of every topic on life.  That golden circle is the why.  Continue reading

Mother’s Day in Different Time Zones

If it seems like I just wrote a post about Mother’s Day, you’re right!  It was only a few weeks ago that I honored my Irish and U.K. moms celebrating Mothering Sunday.  But today is Mother’s Day in other places such as Canada, Australia and the U.S. Since I was born a Yankee Doodle and became a mom while living in America it is the day our family celebrates. It will always be the most special day to me, even more special than my birthday. Because it embodies the the two most important things in my life, my two kids. Becoming a mother was and is the most defining factor in my life. No matter what else I have done or will do, I am most proud to be mom to my daughter and son.  It is an honor in fact, blessed from the highest heavens.  Continue reading


Issues. We all have them. It is just part of life. But in today’s day and age, if you look at social media most people seem to be perfect, la dee da, no issues at all!  Which then has the potential to make you feel like crap thinking to yourself, how come they are so lucky and I’m dealing with this situation. Well, I want to share something personal with you and it might be enlightening. Continue reading