The month of LOVE is flying by, which means so are the Guest Blogger posts! I am savoring each and every one and I hope you are too! Today’s author is a wife, mommy and blogger from Ireland. In fact I had the pleasure of meeting Joanne in August last year at the Cloggers Blogger Event which I shared about on here. She is a fun, fabulous and fashionable lady who even won best dressed at the event. But what I love about Joanne is her giant heart which you will get to know when you read her love story for her husband.
This is a very different type of post for me but I wanted to take up the opportunity of being a guest blogger over on Karen Geraghty’s blog Yankee Doodle Paddy and the topic she chose us to speak about is what love means to you….
Now in my opinion I have a very unique tale of love for this day and age. I met my now husband when I was 16 years old, that’s 21 years ago now and despite all of the obstacles put in our way over the years we’re still going strong.
I think we’re constantly sold a very unrealistic image of what love is in the movies, we’re used to seeing Hugh Grant stumbling over his words in the rain professing his undying love to Andie McDowell or seeing Richard Gere hanging out of the sunroof of a limo and climbing up the fire escape to give Julia Roberts her fairy tale… Life is very different from that and when it boils down to it, the over the top gestures don’t matter a thing.
To me, these are some of the things that matter most.
To me love is, letting me warm up my freezing cold feet on your legs even though you don’t want to.
To me love is, you coming home from a full days work and still cooking us a dinner because I’ve had a difficult day with the girls.
To me love is, you sending me messages or phoning me throughout the day just to see how my day is going.
To me love is, being able to cry in you arms just because I’m sad and you know you only need to be there you don’t have to try and fix it.
To me love is, you re-arranging all of your starting times at work when I was doing my injections for IVF because you knew I was scared of doing them on my own.
To me love is, seeing you look at our girls, our precious girls that were so longed for and are so loved.
To me love is, you not giving out about all of the makeup that I buy even though I only have one face ?
To me love is, you constantly being my biggest cheerleader and always encouraging me to believe in myself.
To me love is, you and I knowing each other so well that sometimes we can finish each others sentences.
To me love is, the most important thing in the world. We have shared so much already during our life together and yet you’re still the first person I want to talk to when anything good or bad happens to me.
To me love is you xx
Lipstick n Leopard print is a beauty blog run by Joanne Coughlan, a 30 something SAHM from Cork. In a previous life she was a Qualified Beauty Therapist and Beauty Consultant but gave it up in 2013 when she gave birth to her beautiful twin daughters Charlotte and Ruby. The blog came about in May of 2016 when her daughters were about to start pre-school and she wanted to inject a little bit of glamour back into her life.
Her blog is
You can find her on Facebook at
Snapchat. lipsticknleopo
Thank you Joanne for sharing that amazing LOVE story! What a wonderful gift for your girls to have this as a road map to the hearts of their mommy and daddy. I loved the part about warming up the cold feet! LOL I do that with my hubby all the time. But it is just great to hear all these stories that show REAL love in all its forms. So thank you Joanne and each and every guest blogger and all the readers. It is wonderful to see the support and hear the anticipation that each new love story brings.
Realistic LOVE,
P.S. If you’d like to get on board and share your own love story please contact me soon as the month is ticking away. You can leave a comment on here or email me at: