While it is fun to meet new folks on the Guest Blogger Month of LOVE it is also great to welcome back alumni. Today’s #18 Guest Blogger is an alum, she shared her LOVE story the first year I hosted it, and her story is amazing. So how to top that? Well if you know my friend Jennifer Byrne (aka Jenser01 on Snapchat) she thrives on competition and challenging herself. And this year’s post delivers a win! Thanks Jennifer for coming back and updating all of us on your achievements and sharing your LOVE story!
What is love?
Love can be so many things, but one thing is for sure… we as humans all need love and to be loved. So what happens when one feels unloved? Well for me, I lost ME. I wasn’t Jennifer, I was just a shell, existing but not actually living. Going through life day by day, to the outside world probably seemed like I had it all, in a loving relationship, two beautiful sons, attractive, confident but on the inside I was empty. Behind that smile, the eyes where dead, I was hurting so bad, broken, feeling so unloved. You see I was living on edge, at the hands of an abusive partner. Manipulated, controlled, no self worth, weak, living in fear. In a constant battle with myself, anger, guilt, shame, resentment, my emotional state was chaotic. My sub conscious mind had been wired to believe that I was ugly, unlovable, everything was my fault. Constant emotional abuse can make one lose all sense of one’s core values, it can break you. Consequently, you become so conditioned to the way life is that you just accept it.
Once in that vicious cycle of abuse it’s very hard to break free. Even after I finally broke free after 12 years, the abuse continued, but this time I was the abuser. Abusing my body binging on alcohol and cocaine, self destructing, soul destroying. But there was hope, there is always hope where there is love. My unconditional love for my children and the only other positive thing that always kept me going was my love of the gym.
I had to begin the healing process and discover who I really was. To do that I needed to begin my journey to learn to love me, love every part of me and forgive myself. I began to start with the most important thing, my mind-set. I began to nourish my mind with positive thoughts, I began each day with a grateful heart, I looked at myself in the mirror and repeated positive affirmations telling myself that I am enough, I am loved, I am loving towards myself and that is good. I showed myself compassion, I changed the way I saw myself. Each day I got stronger and I began to see the kind, caring, strong human being that I am. I realised that the more love I gave myself the more love I could give to others. I not only nourished my mind but also my body. Eating wholesome, homemade food, nourishing myself from the inside out.
I broke away from toxic environments and people. I began to build a life that was best for me. I chose what I wanted to hear and see, I unfollowed accounts on social media that made me feel uneasy or anxious, anything with a negative effect on me. I continued to fill my life with positive things. I continue to do what’s best for me! I have stepped out on stage feeling empowered in body building competitions.
I have turned my passion for health and fitness into a business inspiring others to lead a healthier, happier lifestyle. I surround myself with people who uplift my spirit and not drain my energy. I have met so many wonderful, amazing people just like the beautiful Karen aka @blissbakery!
I am a firm believer that your vibe certainly does attract your tribe. My latest opportunity becoming an author!
Yes I am honoured to have had the chance to write a chapter in a book called WE Summit Together, a collection of inspirational stories written by empowered women! All proceeds for the book go to the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation. I would appreciate your support for this wonderful cause. You can pre-order a copy here www.womensempowermentsummit.ie/book/?ref=7
I feel blessed for my friendship with Jennifer Byrne. We may have met through a funny app with a ghost logo, but we both agree it’s like finding a long lost sister. Jennifer is an example of loyalty, hard work and positivity. I hope you would support her in this book and find her on her social media. Your life will surely be uplifted knowing her! She’s my Snap Sista for LIFE!
inspirational LOVE,
Thank you Karen for your continued support ?? I am truely blessed for having a wonderful friend in you xx