Happy Birthday Dad!

Today would have been my dad’s 79th birthday. Well, shall I say it is his 79th birthday. And even though I am in Paris I am still going to celebrate it!  I miss him everyday and he is constantly in my thoughts.  I am sure he would want me to enjoy the day!  But I still had to recognize his legacy and his contribution to this world. Continue reading

Recipe: Courgette Cakes

One of the best things about teaching cookery classes is seeing the students delighted with themselves when they have recreated a dish I have demoed.  Especially one that is a bit different than the norm.  Such is the case with these savory Courgette Cakes.  Or as my American friends might call them, Zucchini Fritters.  In essence they are a pancake.  However, not your typical Sunday brunch pancake which is a butter and syrup laden affair.  Continue reading

Recipe: Mothering Sunday

Living in this part of the world I get to experience two days dedicated to all the moms out there!  In Ireland and the U.K. it is called “Mothering Sunday” and falls during Lent.  While I don’t celebrate this one myself, as I only celebrate the U.S. Mother’s Day in May,  I still recognize it.  I have so many friends over here who do celebrate.  So I just want to wish each and every one of you who is a mom, grandma, great grandma, stepmom, adoptive mom, godmom or somehow a maternal influence on a human being, a happy and blessed day! Continue reading

Storage Wars

I’ve had an ongoing war with storage for the last decade. Though the battle isn’t over yet, I feel like I have the upper hand. I actually never thought that I would ever even have storage. I was completely against it and felt it was a waste of money. But circumstances be what they may, I got sucked into the vortex. I actually don’t want to total up all the money I’ve spent to have my belongings stored in a 5×10 unit that is kept safe by a simple padlock. I’d likely have a heart attack!  Continue reading