Today would have been my dad’s 79th birthday. Well, shall I say it is his 79th birthday. And even though I am in Paris I am still going to celebrate it! I miss him everyday and he is constantly in my thoughts. I am sure he would want me to enjoy the day! But I still had to recognize his legacy and his contribution to this world. Continue reading
Author: Harper220
Blue Sky Tag- 11 Questions
This is a first! I’ve done “What’s in your handbag” and “What’s your beauty routine” Snapchat tags. But I’ve never done a blogger tag. This one is called “Blue Sky-11 questions”. It’s a wonderful way to get to know other bloggers, to connect through this fun game, and to share our love for blogs we read regularly. Continue reading
Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday
Today is the 58th episode of Woman Crush Wednesday. If it is your first time joining, you are very welcome! It is my fav day of the week. While most look at it as hump day, I consider it happy day. Because I choose a fabulous female from the foodie world and shower her with love while I recreate one of her recipes live on Snapchat (my username is blissbakery). Continue reading
Recipe: Courgette Cakes
One of the best things about teaching cookery classes is seeing the students delighted with themselves when they have recreated a dish I have demoed. Especially one that is a bit different than the norm. Such is the case with these savory Courgette Cakes. Or as my American friends might call them, Zucchini Fritters. In essence they are a pancake. However, not your typical Sunday brunch pancake which is a butter and syrup laden affair. Continue reading
Recipe: Mothering Sunday
Living in this part of the world I get to experience two days dedicated to all the moms out there! In Ireland and the U.K. it is called “Mothering Sunday” and falls during Lent. While I don’t celebrate this one myself, as I only celebrate the U.S. Mother’s Day in May, I still recognize it. I have so many friends over here who do celebrate. So I just want to wish each and every one of you who is a mom, grandma, great grandma, stepmom, adoptive mom, godmom or somehow a maternal influence on a human being, a happy and blessed day! Continue reading
Storage Wars
I’ve had an ongoing war with storage for the last decade. Though the battle isn’t over yet, I feel like I have the upper hand. I actually never thought that I would ever even have storage. I was completely against it and felt it was a waste of money. But circumstances be what they may, I got sucked into the vortex. I actually don’t want to total up all the money I’ve spent to have my belongings stored in a 5×10 unit that is kept safe by a simple padlock. I’d likely have a heart attack! Continue reading
Happy St. Paddy’s (not Patty) Day
While I’ve spent eight out of the last ten St. Patrick’s Days on the Emerald Isle, sadly I won’t be in my soul home today. But here is some good news .. Continue reading