Guest Blogger Month: Post #5

I hope you have been enjoying this guest blogger series so far.  It is awesome to gain insight into all the different ways LOVE can manifest itself in the world.  As much as I bang on about the topic myself, since I’ve been receiving submissions I’ve been in floods of tears.  I’m  reading some powerful stories my friends and it’s my honor to share them on Yankee Doodle Paddy.  Certainly all of us have heard of the line from the marriage vows, “in sickness and in health” well today’s author and her husband have certainly experienced that.  Continue reading

Guest Blogger Month: Post #4

How to start a LOVEolution?  There is no handbook on that my friends.  But as I shared on February 1st, this is the month of LOVE so if it is going to happen, this might be as good a time as any for it to transpire.  Because our love stories are so unique, just as our own fingerprints are, we can learn from all of them. Yet often people aren’t encouraged to share them publicly.  So we let modern culture dictate to us what love is.  And when we compare our love to what we see in magazines we might not appreciate it as much. Continue reading

Guest Blogger Month: Post #3

While this month is the first time I’ve hosted a guest blogger series I did write a piece once as a guest blogger.  It was for the blog A Penny For Them.  I wrote about my favorite theme, LOVE!  The fabulous Penny was on holiday and invited bloggers to post while she was traveling.  It was great to meet other people sharing all sorts of topics.  I’m not on holidays, but I thought by hearing different perspectives it would be a wonderful way to gain new insight on the subject of LOVE!  And though I don’t have much, I still like to share whatever I have, including now this little corner of the internet called Yankee Doodle Paddy.  Continue reading

Recipe: Lovely Lanterns & Tasty Treats

This past Saturday was the official day of Chinese New Year.  Though we are living in London, which has one of the top Chinatowns in the world, we didn’t get there to celebrate.  It was a madhouse of crowds!  But I remember the days of celebrating it when I was teaching preschool at a multi cultural school in L.A. We ate Chinese food, did arts and crafts inspired by the rich culture and even had a dragon parade.  Since I was born in the year of the dragon I loved that tradition.  Continue reading