Sunday Spotlight Snap Sista Recap #2

During this #30daysofgratitude Snapchallenge, I thought it might be a good idea to do another recap of some of my Sunday Spotlight Snap Sista honorees. There have been 37 so far. I had planned to do another episode today.  But Hubby and I are currently in Malta and the wifi is a bit spotty.  Since each week I do a segment on my Snapchat (username blissbakery) that includes video and photo content, it appears it wouldn’t be possible for the snaps to load properly. So I’ll be back next Sunday with another installment.
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Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday


It is flat out cold this week, so our lovely Woman Crush Wednesday chef is going to warm us up!  Without a doubt we have to make a soup, and the gorgeous gourmet gal perfect for inspiration today is Allegra McEvedy. She is also a resident of London so she’s probably bundled up as well.  And I hope she enjoys the lovefest over on my Snapchat channel (username blissbakery) where I will recreate live her awesome Beet and Bramley soup recipe! Continue reading

TNT Blowing Up Social Media


When you see the acronym T.N.T you immediately think of tri-nitro-toluene right?  You know, that explosive substance?  Well today I’ve got another kind of explosive substance for you. It is TNT alright!  It is Tuesday’s Nice Tweeters!  That’s because I am in the middle of hosting the #30daysofgratitude Snapchallenge.  I’ve already shared my gratitude for some Bloggers, Instagramers, and YouTubers so today it is the day for Twitterland love! Continue reading

Four Legged Gratitude



It is day 21 of #30daysofgratitude a Snapchallenge that I am hosting on my Snapchat  channel (username blissbkery).  I love seeing what everyone is grateful for each day.  It is nice that I am not the only one giving “props” to the four legged lovable creatures in our lives whom we call pets.  In fact I’ve already given thanks this month for Stella our sweet pit!   But today I have to pay homage to Jack, our Soul Dog, who passed away two years ago today after blessing us with fourteen years life. Continue reading

Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday


With the little break from my Woman Crush Wednesday episode last week due to our travels to Iceland I’m back with a bang!   I LOVE this day!  A chance to spread some love on a female foodie who is setting the culinary world on fire.  This week’s chef is the gorgeous gourmet gal Lilly Higgins.  She is a Ballymaloe Cookery School trained chef like myself and she has written two amazing cookery books, Make, Bake, Love and Dream Deli I am so excited to finally give her this special day so I can share all things Lilly with you reading this in different corners of the globe.   And I will be doing my live Snapchat cooking tutorial (my username is blissbakery) of a recipe of Lilly’s that I have never made before. Continue reading