This year is like 4th of July 2.0. What I mean by that is, it’s the second year we are in London for this special holiday. Since Americans abroad don’t get this holiday off work, celebrating can be unique. And especially this year, as I am taking Snapchat on a very unique adventure. If you’d like to join in my username is blissbakery. It is a surprise so I won’t say much now. But I will leave you with last year’s post for the day that is in it. There is even a foodie recipe for you, since food is of the utmost importance in your festive fourth of July gathering. Continue reading
Why. If you are a stickler on punctuation you’ll notice I didn’t put a question mark after my why. Why? Because I wasn’t asking a question until just that last why. I was announcing what I want to talk about today, which is the topic why. I feel like this word ‘why’ is a dying art form. When we are kids we ask why all the time, and for some moms (not me) the word drives them up a wall. But somehow kids have it right. They want to get into the center of the golden circle of every topic on life. That golden circle is the why. Continue reading
Mother’s Day in Different Time Zones
If it seems like I just wrote a post about Mother’s Day, you’re right! It was only a few weeks ago that I honored my Irish and U.K. moms celebrating Mothering Sunday. But today is Mother’s Day in other places such as Canada, Australia and the U.S. Since I was born a Yankee Doodle and became a mom while living in America it is the day our family celebrates. It will always be the most special day to me, even more special than my birthday. Because it embodies the the two most important things in my life, my two kids. Becoming a mother was and is the most defining factor in my life. No matter what else I have done or will do, I am most proud to be mom to my daughter and son. It is an honor in fact, blessed from the highest heavens. Continue reading
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! Or as we jokingly call it “Happy-ster”. That’s because after moving to Ireland we called Hubby’s mom on Skype to wish her a Happy Easter. However, with the poor connection all she could hear was Happy –ster! Since we will hopefully be climbing Croagh Patrick this weekend I am sure that at the top of the Holy Mountain in the West of Ireland, it’s likely we won’t have the best connection either. So unless you hear from me, this will be your official holiday greeting! Continue reading
The Day After
Yep, it’s the day after. The 26th of December can mean many things to many different people: Dealing with a disastrous house, food coma, hangover, sugar high, sleep deprivation, financial depletion, or rummaging through the mall in the chaos of post Christmas sales. Continue reading