During February, the Guest Blogger Month, I only published five new posts of my own. I figured there was enough to read and with 33 awesome authors contributing to the month of LOVE series, that took precedence. But I have a stockpile of topics in my draft folder waiting to share with you, and some travel posts are top of the list! Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month Debrief and Links
After one of the best months of my life (no joke) I took the day off yesterday to savor the month of LOVE! It was such a great series of guest bloggers, so I bathed in all the warmth and loving remnants left behind on Yankee Doodle Paddy. It was an honor to host this love fest with authors pouring out their hearts with inspiring stories! Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #33
Even though I am late to the social media game, I am making up for lost time. I have been blessed to make friends with folks from all walks of life, from all over the world and all different ages. Social media is a wonderful vehicle to spread some LOVE in this world! Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #32
It would seem that Self LOVE is the most shared love story during this Guest Blogger Month series on Yankee Doodle Paddy. Yet each of the authors that chose to write about it has such a different way in which they impart the journey to their soul. Even as we read them, while surely inspired, anything gleaned will still be manifested through our own lenses in a different way. Because our personalities, experiences and essences are totally unique and beautiful. Hence self love is SELF LOVE, not “someone else” LOVE. The awesome Paul Broghall from Ireland found that out himself and bravely shares his love story with us. Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #31
Each LOVE story along the way during Guest Blogger Month has had its own ‘personality’ if you will: Poignant, touching, powerful, tender, funny, sweet, magical, gut wrenching, precious, and most of all inspiring. I say “most of all inspiring” because in spite of love being, well LOVE, it can also have it’s challenges. Nevertheless, all of the authors have kept loving! That to me is inspiring. Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #30
While I posted numerous times on all my social media channels asking for submissions for the Guest Blogger Month, I also mentioned it to several folks that I had been talking with on Snapchat. Some followed through and submitted love stories. Others for various reasons were unable to do so. This was never intended to be a dreaded school assignment with the impending doom of a due date. But only an open invitiation to participate in something unique and special. A month long opportunity to celebrate LOVE in all its forms. Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #29
As I hoped for and expected, I received a beautiful bouquet of love stories after all the days of February had been filled. Hey the world could never have too much LOVE! Bring it on! Continue reading