With only one week left of the Guest Blogger Month I wanted to mention that writing a LOVE story about something other than a human being, is VERY welcomed! It is amazing to hear authors share about the love of a partner, child, parent or even themselves. However, as indicated by our first post, which was about a pair of boots, it also allows for a more rounded picture of the theme of the month of February, when we hear about other types of love. And the reality is, sometimes humans find more of a connection with a form of art or a pet than an actual person. It is still love, just explored and expressed in a differnet way. Just as important to learn about and may in fact be something that resonates in oursleves. Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #20
While I have put out the word each day that I am taking submissions for the Guest Blogger Month on the theme of LOVE, I wasn’t sure who would step forward and participate. But I am delighted to see all the amazing folks sharing their love stories on Yankee Doodle Paddy. And one person in particular I was hoping would contribuite is today’s author. Jennifer Byrne from Ireland has an amazing story. It isn’t just an inspiration for women, moms, and over 40’s but it is a story for ANYONE who has felt repression of any kind. Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #19
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, just because I’m a LOVE Enthusiast doesn’t mean I am not still learning more about the subject every moment of every day. The thing is, I am deeply passionate about the topic of LOVE. So much so that not only is it my purpose in life, but I have dedicated this whole month to sharing my virtual home with guest bloggers. Since the beginning of the month we’ve read a range of posts, the only caveat I gave for those contributing was that it had to tie into the theme of LOVE! Some are used to writing and others like today’s author admit they haven’t written anything since school days. But every person has a right for their story to be told. Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #18
The month of LOVE is flying by, which means so are the Guest Blogger posts! I am savoring each and every one and I hope you are too! Today’s author is a wife, mommy and blogger from Ireland. In fact I had the pleasure of meeting Joanne in August last year at the Cloggers Blogger Event which I shared about on here. She is a fun, fabulous and fashionable lady who even won best dressed at the event. But what I love about Joanne is her giant heart which you will get to know when you read her love story for her husband. Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #17
This Guest Blogger series here on Yankee Doodle Paddy has been a wonderful way to meet some new folks and learn more about old friends. I’ve gotten lovely emails, humbly written, asking if I’d be willing to post their love stories. Often they are apologetic for their lack of writing skills or other things. But I am so happy people are getting on board with the month of LOVE and truly touched at the amazing stories. Today’s author, Melanie from Northern Ireland, has an amazing real life miracle to reveal and it’s perfectly poignant, like life…Bitter sweet! Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #15
Well guys we made it! It is post Valentine’s Day and there is actually still loads of LOVE to be celebrated! For many who aren’t a fan of the holiday they are just as happy it and the hype are over. While many are nursing a hangover (chocolate or otherwise), I for one am so happy to have this Guest Blogger series to look forward to each day. While LOVE is indeed my purpose in life, it is key for me that it is interactive. Meaning that it must flow like a river. Part of the hydrological cycle, with a source and mouth and lots of places to nourish in between. Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #14
It is actually here! Yes Valentine’s Day! The day known around the world as the day of LOVE! Yet, people don’t often realize it is a feast day for St. Valentine from Italy. He was martyred on February 14th in 273 AD and let me tell you it’s not a pleasant story. If you’d like to read how and why click here. But another thing many people don’t know, even Irish folks, is that the relics and some blood of St. Valentine were placed in Whitefriar Street Church in Dublin back in 1836. They are still there and I’ve been to visit many times, in fact I was just there this past Sunday and lit candles. Continue reading