While I am nearing the 3rd birthday of this blog Yankee Doodle Paddy, I realize that I have quite a few stories in the “draft” folder waiting to be published. Today’s story is one of them. I had planned to post it on a Thursday because that is the day I host the hashtag game on Snapchat called #tellthetruththursday But for me everyday is about the TRUTH!
Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday
WCW oh how I’ve missed you! It is great to be back after a bit of a break, to honor Woman Crush Wednesday recipient #94! Today’s fabulous female chef is the amazing Amanda Cohen of the famous Dirt Candy in New York City. This groundbreaking restaurant has set the bar for innovative and delicious veggie food! With scorching temperatures in London this week, I am looking forward to a quick, healthy recipe that doesn’t require turning on my oven! HELP Amanda!
Too Old
We’ve all heard it before: “I’m too old to do this” or “You’re too old for that” or “We shouldn’t do it ‘cuz we are too old”. What is your take? Do you think being too old is an excuse for things? And what age is too old? Well I asked this question to my Snapfam commUNITY and got an overwhelming response. Continue reading
A Royal Experience
Groundbreaking, inclusive, romantic, unique, personal, different, and untraditional were many words I heard while watching the television coverage of the Royal Wedding. But the word I heard most often was modern. May 19, 2018 is a day many will remember for years to come. As Prince Harry and Meghan Markle shared their love publicly at the Windsor Castle wedding, it is estimated that billions of people watched along with them. And while I wiped away many a tear, I also cheered as indeed it was beautiful, touching and MODERN!
Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday
I’m not sure about you, but we are having lovely warm weather here in London. Which means I am craving some light and healthy salads! And today’s Woman Crush Wednesday honoree chef Lynda Booth is going to save the day. Especially since it is a quick and easy recipe for her Grated Carrot and Beetroot Salad. Because if you’re like me, some weekdays are hectic! With work and errands it leaves little time to get a meal on the table. So paired with a nice piece of fish, I am counting on this salad to be a 100 yard dash dinner winner!
Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday
It is May 2nd, which means we are getting closer to the halfway point of 2018. What is even more exciting is that today is Woman Crush Wednesday episode number 92! Inching nearer to 100 each week. It means so much to me that you have all been so supportive of this special day to honor these fabulous female foodies! And today’s WCW chef is Londoner Natasha Corrett Continue reading
Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday
Hello again and thanks for coming back for another episode of Woman Crush Wednesday. The best day of the week in my book! Because another fabulous female foodie gets the love and we get a new recipe! I am so excited to share today’s honoree with you. Hubby and I watched Shelina Permalloo win Master Chef U.K. in 2012. We were still living in Dublin back then. Who knew we’d be living in the U.K. now ourselves! Hopefully one day soon I can go to her restaurant Lakaz Maman in Southhampton for a Foodie Fieldtrip Friday! But first, I am going to recreate one of Shelina’s recipes on my Snapchat (username blissbakery) so come watch, or just continue reading for pics and more about this gorgeous gourmet gal! Continue reading