It’s February 28th and it is a special day for our family. My Aunt turns 70 years old!!! It also happens to be time for post #28 during the Guest Blogger Month. I asked my aunt, who happens to be the eldest in the family, if she’d like to share a love story on Yankee Doodle Paddy. She’s more of a talker than a writer. Maybe the gift of the gab came from kissing the Blarney Stone. Then again, she’s always been a great story teller, and full of LOVE! The perfect combination as this series is winding down. Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #27
It’s the penultimate day of the Guest Blogger Month on Yankee Doodle Paddy. So far we have read love stories about love of a father, love of books and of music, love of a partner and of daughters, self love…and today we have a love story from a mother about her son. Our author Jules Keeley Hughes is a pretty amazing lady. And with her awesome husband, they have one cool kid. Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #26
I’m sure you already know this, but I just want to remind all of us that LOVE, being such a powerful force in humanity, is written about in word and song. It is portrayed in paintings, sculptures and films. Art has a way of conveying our feelings about love which we often struggle with ourselves. Yet when we see it or hear it in art, that experience can cause us to say say, “Aha, I get it” and we just light up or we can even be brought to tears. Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #25
When a blogger opens up their virtual space for guest authors, there is always an element of “would anyone even want to avail of the platform at all?” And because I stipulated that the posts needed to tie into the theme of LOVE (for the month that is in it), well, it is a big ask. Yet I have been overwhelmed with awesome people sharing incredible stories. I am now wishing the month wouldn’t end! Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #24
As I mentioned here before this is the first time I have hosted even one guest blogger, not to mention a month filled with them. But I have been a guest blogger before. And so naturally, I was hoping my hostess with the mostest, Penny, would return the favor and share a love story with us on Yankee Doodle Paddy. And thankfully she didn’t disappoint! Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month: Post #23
Last year about this time I shared a book on my Snapchat channel (username blissbakery) called “The Five Love Languages” and I highlighted one person from Snapchat that represented each of the five languages. For the “Quality Time” language I chose Maria Ryan. Because day in and day out Maria sits with the people of Snapland and checks in, asks how everyone is doing, has the chats and bants, and some great giggles about life. She is a constant, a pillar of truth, and a caring saint.
Guest Blogger Month: Post #22
While LOVE may be the universal language, which we can all speak, there is still an aspect of it that is very personal and unique like our fingerprints. Our personalities and life experiences combine to help us relate to love and express it with individuality. Continue reading