I received a little surprise from Stella. A card left on my pillow last night that contained a letter. A typed letter from my Spirit Animal. When I say from, well, I know it was typed by my husband. I noticed him sitting with her the other day and he told me they were having a little talk. But I had no idea she was dictating something to him. I must say this is by far the nicest thing my husband has ever done for me. I was laughing and crying simultaneously as I read it. Today is Thursday, and normally I host the #tellthetruththursday episode on my Snapchat. But it is all I can do to get dressed and make myself food today. I am shattered with grief and I know it is a lonely process. But coming to the blog and pouring out my heart helps. And today, I am clinging to this letter from Stella. So I will leave it here for you in case you want to get her perspective on things….
Spirit Animal
“Pick me! Pick me!” Those were her first words to me. Well she didn’t actually say those words but that is what she meant. Her body language confirmed that as she jumped in my lap and licked my face. I never liked doggie kisses before, but somehow I accepted hers. She was doing everything she could to make sure I did pick her. I remember that day, the day I picked her, like it was yesterday. Only the real yesterday, as in Tuesday March 13th, she said something else. She said, “Release me, release me”. And at 7:00pm as my husband and I held her tight, we released her soul and felt it scamper to the Rainbow Bridge. Continue reading
Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday
Welcome back to, you know it, my fav day of the week! Whoop whoop! Woman Crush Wednesday, where each week I choose a female chef and re-create one of her recipes live on Snapchat (username blissbakery). Not on Snapchat? No biggie. I will be sharing the recipe, photos, and information about my Woman Crush Wednesday recipient on this here blog. I call it a LOVE story. Because first of all I love LOVE! Secondly, because don’t think this #timesup is just about Hollywood gender disparity. Working in the culinary world I have seen it in this industry for far too long. That is why I created this special day back in September 2015 to honor and share the love for awesome female chefs kicking butt in the foodie world. And my 85th WCW is the phenomenal Suzanne Goin. Continue reading
Guest Blogger Month II Debrief and Links
It’s hard to believe that March 1st is already here! After 28 days and 32 Guest Bloggers sharing LOVE stories, it is time to move forward. With full hearts of course! It has been a most amazing experience. I am still basking in the warmth from the touching and powerful words that were shared by these brave souls. The reality is, LOVE is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning. That is a quote from one of my fav writers, Paulo Coelho. So thank you to the Guest Bloggers who gave so much meaning to a word that is often misunderstood.
Recipe: Woman Crush Wednesday
Well the Beast from the East couldn’t put a damper on today’s episode of Woman Crush Wednesday. What the wild winter weather did do however, is make me crave a hot cuppa and some cake! So thanks to Yankee Doodle Paddy’s 84th WCW and we have a winner! Yes Londoner Izy Hossack is famous for her decadent treats, and I knew what I was going to make for today’s tutorial once I spotted the Parsnip Cake on her famous blog Top With Cinnamon
Guest Blogger Month II: Post #30
Guest Blogger Post #30 is the last in what has been a most amazing Month of LOVE series. I think Yankee Doodle Paddy is still humming from all the phenomenal and varied love stories. Tomorrow I will post a debrief of this whole experience and include links to all the love stories (and the music I used in the Snapchat reveals) on one page. However right now it is our last (but not least) author’s turn. Eimear is truly one of the nicest ladies in the world. I feel lucky I was able to not only meet her in person but spend nearly the whole day with her and her sweet daughter. I am sure it won’t be the last time we are together. We hit it off from the first time we messaged each other on Snapchat and when you read this story you too will see how lovely she is!
Guest Blogger Month II: Post #29
I feel super blessed that Yankee Doodle Paddy Guest Blogger Month of LOVE series received more submissions than days in February. Hence this is Post #29 and it is a fun one too. The engaging Eric, the fourth man to bravely share his story this month, has a heart pumping tail for you. And no, that wasn’t a typo. I said tail, though it is very much like a fairy tale. However, once you start reading you’ll see there is a tail in the tale!